You are not alone

You are not alone in thisHave you ever We have all gone through periods of time when life just doesn’t seem to want to agree with you… For whatever reason the universe seems to be conspiring to bring you down. Last week I got two parking tickets, lost my new phone, my car battery died (so embarrassing), and had to make two life altering decisions, one which was to give up my employment plans for the next year in favor of a job I may not even get (although I remain ever hopeful!).

There were many good things too but  sometimes in the midst of stress and trials we seem to overlook those. I went to the beach on father’s day and was feeling pretty miserable until I suddenly snapped out of it and put an end to my self-pity. My family and I played a round of sand soccer, we went to get some ice cream, and then I came home for some much needed rest. The next morning I woke up refreshed and ready to make the kind of decisions that have led me to where I am now!

In all this, although I would get periodically bummed, I tried to stay positive and upbeat… not faking it or anything but choosing to be hopeful. I hoped because I know that I am not alone. This is not the first time that the tires in my life have been flat and not the first time I lost my way but just like in all those times I know that my God is constant. He has never left me.

Sometimes it is hard to imagine that a god or whatever would care about our lives… but I know it! Not that I think I am anything special… I think we all are someone special, intended for this communion with a God who loves and cares about us and “one who has similarly been tested in every way, yet without sin” (Heb 4:15). But although I can talk all day about all the good things that God has done in my life, I would rather challenge you to see for yourself the graces that He has showered on you. I know he has, because you are alive today and that in itself is a great blessing! Don’t be bogged down by the negatives… there are many, instead look at the fact that you have overcome them–or are trying to. You have been through hell and yet you are still trekking on, you want paradise, you want something more than this. Well you are not alone all you have to do is look and you will see He has always been with you!

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